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United Against Misogyny and Sexism

Sexism and misogyny profoundly affect the quality of lives of women and people along a continuum of gender identities. Sexism is stereotyping, discrimination, prejudice, devaluation, and marginalization targeting women, more feminine gender identities. Misogyny is the control, punishment, and policing of people and systems which threaten male dominance.


The following resources are for all genders must as we all grapple with and learn to combat the internalized sexism that makes us prone to judgement and silencing of women and gender.

Resources Against Misogyny and Sexism

ACLU: Facts About the Over-Incarceration of Women in the United States

With more than one million women behind bars or under the control of the criminal justice system, women are the fastest growing segment of the incarcerated population increasing at nearly double the rate of men since 1985.


Center for American Progress: Economics of Misogyny

Misogyny has been around long enough to have become embedded in the structures and institutions of our society, including the economy. It is reflected in how we think about the economy and the policies that are created to regulate markets and encourage growth. The economics of misogyny describes how these anti-woman beliefs are deeply ingrained in economic theory and policy in such a way that devalues women’s contributions and limits women’s capabilities and opportunities.


Center for American Progress: Racism and Sexism Combine to Shortchange Working Black Women

Black women experience both a race and gender wage gap that reflects the intersectional reality of their daily lives. The sharpest earnings differences are between Black women and white men, who are benchmarked as the highest earners, but Black women also experience wage disparities when compared with white women and Black men. As experts have noted, it is important to understand that this race-gender wage gap consists of more than simply adding the separate numbers associated with each gap. Rather, it reflects a unique effect that results from how the combination of race and gender are perceived together.


Center for American Progress Medium: What is misogyny, and why should you care?

Let’s start with defining three key terms: patriarchy, sexism, and misogyny. These terms are different mechanisms used to suppress or constrain women and women’s opportunities to make them secondary or subservient to those of men, terms that reinforce each other but also differ in key ways.


Chicago Foundation for Women: SHEcovery A Roadmap to Address COVID-19’s Impact on Women and Girls

Chicago Foundation for Women (CFW) is reimagining what recovery looks like – a true SHEcovery™ – focused on amplifying women’s voices, advocating for women’s needs more fervently than ever, and ultimately ensuring women emerge from the pandemic stronger than before.


Harper's BAZAAR: When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels

From tone policing to whitesplaining, the liberal white women's feminism is more toxic than they realize, explains Rachel Cargle.


Institute for Women's Policy Research: Status of Women in the States

IWPR’s Status of Women in the States project provides timely data and analysis on the health, economic, social, political well-being of women. The project provides state-by-state rankings on issues such as pay equity and earnings; poverty and economic security; reproductive rights and access to health care and political participation and civic engagement.


Mujeres Latinas en Accion: Programs & Services

Founded in 1973, Mujeres is the longest-standing incorporated Latina organization in the nation. Over the years Mujeres has developed a comprehensive array of social services and advocacy initiatives that promote non-violence, reproductive health and leadership development. Mujeres offers services that support all programs, which include general intake, volunteer training and childcare. Childcare is provided for clients while they are receiving services.


Stanford University: Fighting Sexism

Prejudice, hatred, and violence towards women and other genders has pervaded human history and persists to this day. Sexism and gender discrimination comes in many forms, from online harassment to stalking to sexual assault to hate crimes to catcalling to wage gaps to many, many more. These different forms of discrimination also look different when adopting an intersectional lens, for example when thinking of women and other folx who are of color, who have different citizenship status, who are disabled or have health concerns, who are poor, and who are part of the  LGBTQ+ community.


UN Women: Facts and figures: Ending violence against women

The availability of data on violence against women and girls has improved considerably in recent years and data on the prevalence of intimate partner violence is now available for at least 106 countries.


Vox: What We Get Wrong About Misogyny

What is misogyny? How is it different from sexism? And why does the male-dominated status quo seem to persist?


Women Employed: Equal Pay

Even with the same background, same education, same skills, same hours, in the same jobs, a gender wage gap persists. It exists in every industry, at all levels. Women deserve to be valued and paid the same as our male equivalents—and given an equal chance at economic security and advancement.


Women Employed: Racial Equity & Student Success

In Illinois, Black and Latinx students are woefully under-represented in public higher education. The state has completion gaps between Black and Latinx students compared to White students of as much as 30 points in some cases. National studies have graded Illinois at Ds and Fs in relation to representative completion. And Illinois public institutions are among the most expensive for in-state residents, and those that receive most of the state appropriations enroll lower numbers of Black and Latinx students.

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